Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 8: Starry Nights and Hell Week

Hello From the Shores!
i really need to not make a habit of posting the next morning, but i don't know sometimes i feel i need the night to reflect on what happened and then write it down. so having had my night...here i go!
Yesterday was an extremely busy day and it was made very clear to me that it was only the start of a very busy week for me. As my mentor so elegantly put it "You have a s**t load to do this week" which made me smile. so let me give you a brief reason why it will be so busy. Well, yesterday i got down another 7 1/2 pages and I'm hoping to have chapter 13 done by today or tomorrow. i'm also setting myself the goal of having 14 done by friday. that actually wouldn't be so much work if it hadn't been for one thing. Mary (my editor/agent/friend/godsend) just got back to me yesterday after reading the first 225 pages of the novel. to be completely honest i was more nervous about opening that email than i was about anything else save the opening night of Clue. i was terrified, but after i finally managed to pluck up the courage to open it inside was the best i could have hoped for. she loved it! she also said it needs a lot of work but that is not news to me. as she said herself "You have enormous talent, even though I think the novel needs a lot of work.  Every great journey begins with the first step, yes?" so yes my journey is just beginning and will continue on past this project. i have a phone call set with her in half an hour so by tonight i should have some more specific news. its been and will be a long road with this book but i'm looking forward to it.
Now the other reason why i will have so much to do this week is because of the play, this is what the directors like to call "production week" but every student has a different name for it: "Hell Week". we do a full run through of the play every night this week in preparation for the opening on Friday. people are already getting tired and a little stressed, but thats how it always is the first couple days of hell week. once we hit wednesday everyone gets into stride and the play really takes off. i have to spend the afternoon in the theatre today again, as i did yesterday, which means that i wont have as much time to write. oh well.
The natural beauty of this place is what is giving me the strength to do all of this work. last night after i returned from the theatre at 9 o clock, there was a beautiful starry night waiting for me. i sat out on the deck and meditated on the day and nature for about an hour before going to bed. i know that it will keep fueling me as i set out for this week; my hell week.
hoping i survive,

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