Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 11 and 12: Coughing and Performance

Hello from the shores!
Well ive managed to catch some kind of awful cold/flu thingy and that has had me coughing up a lung for the past three days. i decided that i should make Thursday's and Friday's post one big post, because for me they were one big day. i was kept awake all thursday night by my cough so i never actually went to sleep and my day never ended.
Over the past two days i have written about 9 pages, this was due to the lack of time i had, because of the play, and because of the afore mentioned sickness. that being said i am well into chapter 14 and i'm hoping to have it done by the time i go up in front of the review board. this chapter has been very odd to write actually, because the landscape and the scene is heavily based in my childhood. its been weird remembering all the little details of Bermuda and my old house there, but so far so good.
The play kicked off last night and with the exception of some minor hiccups it went very well over all. it was a completely full house last night and the reviews from the viewers were nothing but positive. hopefully we can keep it up again for tonight! then its strike on sunday and then thats it as far as the play is concerned!
My sister graduated from Sarah Lawrence College yesterday so i was on the phone with her wishing her the best and wishing i could have been there. hopefully i start to feel better soon because this cold is pretty darn awful and it really is stopping me from being able to write. the headaches are starting to get worse now. well, enough of my complaining.
until next time