Thursday, May 20, 2010

day 10: Chapter 13 and drizzle

Hello from the shores!
well now its a beautiful day here (opposed to last night when it was still raining) the clouds have all burned off and im well underway and into chapter 14.
Yesterday was a good day in many senses. i managed to finish off chapter 13 and today i have already begun to move onto chapter 14. this coming chapter is going to be rather odd for me to write. when i came up with the idea of the book i got it in my head that I would actually still be alive when these events are taking place. so to sort of humour myself i came up with the idea of writing myself into my own book. this is the chapter were you meet me as it were. it is already proving very odd to write it like this but i like the challenge.
yesterday was another good run through of the play. everything and everyone is really starting to fall into place. As the stage manager i am basically in charge of everyone back stage during the performance, i also have an assistant stage manager and a run crew to do the scene changes. so far everyone in my crew is doing an awesome job and i'm looking forward to the bug test tonight, during the open dress rehearsal.
Last night i got another email from Mary Evans which gave me a lot of good advice. she also said many good things about the book. i felt like taking a small excerpt from her email and i hope she forgives me quoting her. but this just made me so happy i felt i should share it. "So much of your novel is so accomplished.  Your vision is astonishing and your ability to sustain narrative the way you do are both executed in a way well beyond your years.  Please remember that in these situations I tend to focus on what needs tweaking, in my opinion, and I probably don't spend enough time affirming all the many positives your novel embodies.  In other words, I am impressed!"
i should also say that, that complement came after 5 paragraphs of things i can do to fix the book but it still makes me very happy.