Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 14: Ends and Goodbyes

Hello from the Annex! (thats my clever way of telling you i moved)
Today was my last day up here. Nothing very interesting happened to me. It was mostly spent cleaning up after my rather sloppy living habits and packing up my various belongings. It has been an amazing stay up here, but I feel like I have said that so much…I don’t really care actually. This place has been incredible for me and I loved every minute of it. I enjoyed living by myself as much as I enjoyed seeing people at night for the play. Overall it was an amazing experience. I just wrote the majority of my “self evaluation” and im trying not to say the same things over and over again so this post will be short. Honestly it was a great experience to not only be up here but to try and catalogue everything into this blog. To all you readers I hope you enjoyed my nonsense (if you bothered to read it of course ahah) it has been a journey and a true experience. Those two things have something in common; they both end. Now that I am returning to the real world I remembered that I am (hopefully, If I pass this,) graduating in a few days. The fact that I will have to leave Proctor soon gives me the same feeling that I feel leaving here. It’s the end of a journey but the start of a new one, maybe even a grander one. So this is the ending to a truly amazing experience that has helped my writing in uncountable ways. For the last time (I think, but who knows I may continue this after senior project is over, after all my book sure isn’t!):

Day 13: Starts and Finishes

Hello from the shores!

Monday was my last full day at mountain classroom. It makes me very sad to actually say that. This place has been my home for the past two weeks and I feel that I really have become a part of it. I love it here, but enough of that I think I will expand more on it later in another document.
Today I spent most of the day wracking my brain to try and come up with a good start to chapter 13. In then end I wrote something down but I think that it is just the start of the idea and I will expand on it, or scrap it completely soon. I finished up another few pages into Chapter 14 as well. Without exception every page that I have written while I have been up here are among my best. Its just been something about the atmosphere at this place that gives me the ability to simply sit down and type out the thoughts in my brain. At school my mind was never focused enough to just sit and write. I was always worrying about a hundred different things and for some reason I pushed this book back and back. That’s the gift that this place has given me in the end; the ability to just sit and think without having to worry about anything else.
So as I sit here at my desk at around 7: 30 I’m reflecting on how much I am going to miss this space and the creations that came out of it. Its been an amazing couple of weeks and the progress that I made on the book can not be counted in mere pages. hmm I like that sentence, think I’ll use it in my self evaluation form which is due on Wednesday. Regardless it’s true. That’s it for now

I wrote all of that last night but the internet was dead again so I’m posting it now along with my final blog entry today.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Weekly Reflection 2: a week of ending journeys

Hello from the shores!
All right, weekly reflection number two.

Actually, this week has turned out to be extremely interesting and rewarding. Again my week never really ended. I was doing things related to my senior project all week and weekend. At least my hours are very much done which I like a lot. Honestly at this point all I wish is that I could stay up here for part of my summer and simply keep writing. I will probably try and organize something like this at home for the first part of my summer so that I can keep going with this momentum that I have built up. But like last week I am focusing on the future and this post is about my past week so here goes.

This week I managed to finish off another 25 pages, bringing my total while up at Mountain Classroom to 50 full pages. I am currently still in the middle of chapter 14 and who knows maybe it will get done before I present to the panel. Well that’s my hope anyway. Again I learned a lot about my own personal writing style and myself this week. I learned that I really like to use eyes as a window into how people are feeling about a situation and that for some reason my writing seems to focus much more on people’s inner dialogue than their outer ones. So that was very interesting to sort of discover and start to utilize a little bit more as I move forward. All in all, a very solid week of writing.

Probably the biggest lesson of my week was hearing back from Mary Evans about the early 225 pages of my book. The report that I got from her gives me nothing but hope as I continue to move forward with my book. I know I will be working much more with her in the future as I start to look back to what I can change in the novel. It has been such a blessing to work with her on the book and I value her input a lot and am already starting to use a lot of it in my current writing. Her feedback has helped give me that little boost that I needed to really start moving forward with the book and get ready to take it to the next step.

The biggest surprise of my week was probably the play. Besides a few small errors it went so well both Friday and Saturday nights. The whole cast and crew were so amazing that it took the play truly to the next level. So many people handled a lot of stuff at the last minute that it was just glorious to watch. That is probably why I love working in the theatre so much, getting to see everyone come together and truly pull something amazing off is just incredible. I was also rather sad at the end, as well as proud. It was my last play at proctor and it came to a close on Saturday night. It was the Fourth play that I was a part of while here and it marked the end of a really cool journey. All I can say is thank you Terry and Michael for giving me so many opportunities and thanks to everyone for doing such an amazing job this week!

Well that’s it for now I think. I will be back with a few more posts before I present on Wednesday!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Day 11 and 12: Coughing and Performance

Hello from the shores!
Well ive managed to catch some kind of awful cold/flu thingy and that has had me coughing up a lung for the past three days. i decided that i should make Thursday's and Friday's post one big post, because for me they were one big day. i was kept awake all thursday night by my cough so i never actually went to sleep and my day never ended.
Over the past two days i have written about 9 pages, this was due to the lack of time i had, because of the play, and because of the afore mentioned sickness. that being said i am well into chapter 14 and i'm hoping to have it done by the time i go up in front of the review board. this chapter has been very odd to write actually, because the landscape and the scene is heavily based in my childhood. its been weird remembering all the little details of Bermuda and my old house there, but so far so good.
The play kicked off last night and with the exception of some minor hiccups it went very well over all. it was a completely full house last night and the reviews from the viewers were nothing but positive. hopefully we can keep it up again for tonight! then its strike on sunday and then thats it as far as the play is concerned!
My sister graduated from Sarah Lawrence College yesterday so i was on the phone with her wishing her the best and wishing i could have been there. hopefully i start to feel better soon because this cold is pretty darn awful and it really is stopping me from being able to write. the headaches are starting to get worse now. well, enough of my complaining.
until next time

Thursday, May 20, 2010

day 10: Chapter 13 and drizzle

Hello from the shores!
well now its a beautiful day here (opposed to last night when it was still raining) the clouds have all burned off and im well underway and into chapter 14.
Yesterday was a good day in many senses. i managed to finish off chapter 13 and today i have already begun to move onto chapter 14. this coming chapter is going to be rather odd for me to write. when i came up with the idea of the book i got it in my head that I would actually still be alive when these events are taking place. so to sort of humour myself i came up with the idea of writing myself into my own book. this is the chapter were you meet me as it were. it is already proving very odd to write it like this but i like the challenge.
yesterday was another good run through of the play. everything and everyone is really starting to fall into place. As the stage manager i am basically in charge of everyone back stage during the performance, i also have an assistant stage manager and a run crew to do the scene changes. so far everyone in my crew is doing an awesome job and i'm looking forward to the bug test tonight, during the open dress rehearsal.
Last night i got another email from Mary Evans which gave me a lot of good advice. she also said many good things about the book. i felt like taking a small excerpt from her email and i hope she forgives me quoting her. but this just made me so happy i felt i should share it. "So much of your novel is so accomplished.  Your vision is astonishing and your ability to sustain narrative the way you do are both executed in a way well beyond your years.  Please remember that in these situations I tend to focus on what needs tweaking, in my opinion, and I probably don't spend enough time affirming all the many positives your novel embodies.  In other words, I am impressed!"
i should also say that, that complement came after 5 paragraphs of things i can do to fix the book but it still makes me very happy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day 9: Agents and Rain

Hello from the damp shores!
i have now determined that rain causes the internet up here to go a little haywire. this is the first time it has been working since yesterday afternoon, rather odd. it has been drizzling steadily up here since about 9 30 last night and i am starting to feel the cold.
Yesterday was not so much focused on writing but more of taking a global picture of my book. i had several very long conversations with Mary Evans about my book. she gave me a ton of great advice and overall was very pleased with the book overall. after dancing on the moon for a while i started to look over all of the minor flaws and other things she identified. i realized that it will all be fine as long as i finish the book and then start correcting it. she will continue to give me a lot of feed back on what i have written which i am looking forward too.
Yesterday the play was a little rough, but is really starting to come together. we have been doing full run throughs since sunday and that means staying later an later in the theatre. i can feel myself starting to get tired, but we are so close to production that i know that is simply not allowed. the actors and actresses are doing an amazing job, the only thing that was a little rough last night falls under my department. My run crew had a little bit more trouble last night than they have had previously. all we can do is hope that tonight turns out better.
even as i am writing this it is starting to rain and the internet is getting slower. which means i better finish up fast!
as ever this place is restoring and relaxing and the pages continue to come out. until next time,

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 8: Starry Nights and Hell Week

Hello From the Shores!
i really need to not make a habit of posting the next morning, but i don't know sometimes i feel i need the night to reflect on what happened and then write it down. so having had my night...here i go!
Yesterday was an extremely busy day and it was made very clear to me that it was only the start of a very busy week for me. As my mentor so elegantly put it "You have a s**t load to do this week" which made me smile. so let me give you a brief reason why it will be so busy. Well, yesterday i got down another 7 1/2 pages and I'm hoping to have chapter 13 done by today or tomorrow. i'm also setting myself the goal of having 14 done by friday. that actually wouldn't be so much work if it hadn't been for one thing. Mary (my editor/agent/friend/godsend) just got back to me yesterday after reading the first 225 pages of the novel. to be completely honest i was more nervous about opening that email than i was about anything else save the opening night of Clue. i was terrified, but after i finally managed to pluck up the courage to open it inside was the best i could have hoped for. she loved it! she also said it needs a lot of work but that is not news to me. as she said herself "You have enormous talent, even though I think the novel needs a lot of work.  Every great journey begins with the first step, yes?" so yes my journey is just beginning and will continue on past this project. i have a phone call set with her in half an hour so by tonight i should have some more specific news. its been and will be a long road with this book but i'm looking forward to it.
Now the other reason why i will have so much to do this week is because of the play, this is what the directors like to call "production week" but every student has a different name for it: "Hell Week". we do a full run through of the play every night this week in preparation for the opening on Friday. people are already getting tired and a little stressed, but thats how it always is the first couple days of hell week. once we hit wednesday everyone gets into stride and the play really takes off. i have to spend the afternoon in the theatre today again, as i did yesterday, which means that i wont have as much time to write. oh well.
The natural beauty of this place is what is giving me the strength to do all of this work. last night after i returned from the theatre at 9 o clock, there was a beautiful starry night waiting for me. i sat out on the deck and meditated on the day and nature for about an hour before going to bed. i know that it will keep fueling me as i set out for this week; my hell week.
hoping i survive,