Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 2: tea and coat hangers

Well Hello again from the shores of Elbow pond!
Today turned out to be very productive. i spent the morning writing and planning out the rest of chapter 12 and all of chapter 13. by the end of the day i have written a total of 8 pages and will probably be done with chapter 12 tomorrow. I wouldnt have been able to do it without a bracing cup of tea. Rehearsal went smoothly today as well. we practiced several of the bigger numbers with the full cast and a bunch of small children, well over 30 people in all!
The only part of my day that would be interesting to anyone reading this would have to be me trying to snag my key with a coat hanger for about 20 mins. This morning i dropped my key to the building into a large pit. this pit is located in the sort of mud room area in the entrance of Mtn. i think its there to collect the dirt that falls off peoples shoes and has a thick iron grat welded to the floor. starting to see my problem? once i came up with the genius idea of using a coat hanger it took me 20 minutes to fish it out of this pit. thankfully i did manage to fish it out in the end and felt very proud of myself for doing so. so ending the biggest adventure of my day...
Mary said she will be able to give me some feedback at some point this week which i am dreading/excited for. otherwise this place is amazing and is truly helping my writing spirit. loving every minute of it.
for the second time today,

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