Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 1

Greetings from the shores of Elbow pond!
im afraid that I am still getting used to the concept of keeping a daily journal anywhere other than in my head. I know this is a day late but all that means is that you will be getting not one, but TWO posts from me today! lucky you.
well as far as yesterday was concerned it was a day rife with distraction and interruptions. I had to walk to campus fairly early in the morning so i could meet with a representative from my university (St Andrews), but college is important right? By the time I returned to Mountain and cooked lunch i only had a couple of hours before having to go to rehearsal. So I spent my time coming up with a schedule for myself and writing about 2 fresh pages for chapter 12. The first goal i have for myself is to have chapter 12 finished by the time i go to sleep thursday night. so lets see how I do on that. today i should hear back from Mary Evans (my agent i guess) on what she thought of the first 225 pages of the book. fingers crossed on that one.
in other news the play is coming along and with only 2 weeks to go people are starting to really step into gear for their parts. for those of you who don't know the second part of my project is to help stage manage this spring's musical, Bye Bye Birdie.
well, thats it from me for now remember that i will be back tonight...hopefully.

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