Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 5: Rain and faulty internet

hello from the shores!
the internet actually died out here last night so i wasn't able to get on and post my second post yesterday. so i'm doing it now!
Writing yesterday left me with a little bit of frustration. it is much harder writing chapter 13 for some reason. i have to pay attention to almost every little detail when i'm writing from the female characters perspective, something that requires far more energy. in the end i had only completed about 5 1/2 pages by the time terry arrived to take me to rehearsal. hopefully i can get a few more in during the weekend.j
The play is coming along nicely. many of the dance routines are becoming smoother with each passing practice. hopefully they will continue to just get better as time goes on. a few more things need to be done on the set but for the most part it is almost fully completed. now the real work is getting the run crew organized and making sure everything backstage is present and correct.
Last night was the first big rain storm i have had during my stay here. (hence the lack of internet, i think it was something with the thunder. this morning it was back working again perfectly) it was cool to see the storm front come pouring over the pond. i sat outside for a few moments in the rain to just soak up the energy being given off by the storm. all in all it was another good day up at Mtn classroom
until next time,