Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 13: Starts and Finishes

Hello from the shores!

Monday was my last full day at mountain classroom. It makes me very sad to actually say that. This place has been my home for the past two weeks and I feel that I really have become a part of it. I love it here, but enough of that I think I will expand more on it later in another document.
Today I spent most of the day wracking my brain to try and come up with a good start to chapter 13. In then end I wrote something down but I think that it is just the start of the idea and I will expand on it, or scrap it completely soon. I finished up another few pages into Chapter 14 as well. Without exception every page that I have written while I have been up here are among my best. Its just been something about the atmosphere at this place that gives me the ability to simply sit down and type out the thoughts in my brain. At school my mind was never focused enough to just sit and write. I was always worrying about a hundred different things and for some reason I pushed this book back and back. That’s the gift that this place has given me in the end; the ability to just sit and think without having to worry about anything else.
So as I sit here at my desk at around 7: 30 I’m reflecting on how much I am going to miss this space and the creations that came out of it. Its been an amazing couple of weeks and the progress that I made on the book can not be counted in mere pages. hmm I like that sentence, think I’ll use it in my self evaluation form which is due on Wednesday. Regardless it’s true. That’s it for now

I wrote all of that last night but the internet was dead again so I’m posting it now along with my final blog entry today.

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